Friday, 2 November 2012

Smart School 1

Assignment 1

Issues and challenges in integrating ICT in teaching and learning process in our Malaysian schools.

Answers :


ICT has been used widely surround the world either in economy, social and others. In order to make our students catch up with the current development, ICT has been integrated in our education system.


There are three issues related to this problem :   
      - teachers do not have enough skills to handle the ICT’s equipment properly
      - ICT can enhance teaching and learning process effectively
      - the school will spent a lot of money on the ICT’s equipments

Essay Part

Issues and challenges in integrating ICT in teaching and learning process in our Malaysian schools.

To determine and find the solutions of the issues and challenges of using ICT in teaching and learning process in our Malaysian schools.

ICT has been used widely surround the world either in economy, social and others. In order to make our students catch up with the current development, ICT has been integrated in our education system.

Problem statements
            There are three issues related to this problem which are the teachers do not have enough skills to handle the ICT’s equipment properly, ICT can enhance teaching and learning process effectively and the school will spent a lot of money on the ICT’s equipments.

            There are many challenges in integrating ICT into our education system. Firstly, the school will spent a lot of money on the ICT’s equipment. ICT’s equipments use in teaching and learning process like computer and liquid crystal display (LCD) are highly cost and really sensitive to handle. Hence, they need to take a good care for all those ICT’s equipments to avoid it from damaged. This is because they had to spend a large amount of money not only when they buy it but also in getting their service. To solve this problem, the government needs to offer some help in finance and place a professional teacher or technicians who is expert about the ICT’s tools in every school.

Secondly, not all the teachers have enough skills in handling the ICT’s equipments. For the former teacher who was born in era 1970’s, they might not have enough skill to use the ICT equipment compared to the teachers who were born in the era of 1990. So, to solve this problem, the government had send the teachers who have poor skill in handling the ICT’s equipments to participate in the ‘training in service’ or LDP in order to improve their skills so that they can manage their teaching and learning process better.
Thirdly, the ability of ICT to enhance the quality of teaching and learning process effectively. Actually, the teacher will decide either the ICT help or not. Nowadays, teachers are using ICT in their lesson in order to motivate their students to learn and to stay on-task. The positive aspect of this lesson is the most students appear to be more concentrate on their tasks and working perfectly. However, sometimes students use the computers for other things like playing games or open ridiculous website. Besides, in finishing the essay or task most student just copying the data or information in the internet and in other words, there is no independent learning. So, the school administration needs to block the website which is not related so that they can give full attention in their learning process.
            As a conclusion, as a teacher we need to be fully prepared ourselves by mentally and physically in order to face all the challenges in education world especially in integrating ICT in teaching and learning process.

Nikiwe Laura Maholwana-Sotashe, Challenges faced by secondary school teachers in 
integrating ICT into the curriculum : A case study achieved on September 29,2012(2012).
October 2012.

Michalinos Zembylas, Teacher use of ICT : challenges and opportunities(2010). Access from              
on October 2012.

Hadi Salehi and Zeinab Salehi, Integration of ICT in language teaching : challenges and

1)      ICT have become an important part of teaching and learning.
2)      Ministry of Education have invested a huge effort to equip teachers and students with ICT skills.
1)      Teachers do not have enough skills to handle the ICT equipment.
2)      School spend lots of money on this facility.  
3)      ICT enhanced the quality of teaching and learning process effectively.
1)      How to polish the teacher’s skill on the ICT?
2)      Does the school have enough budgets to support the cost for ICT equipment?
3)      Does ICT enhance teaching and learning process effectively? 
1)      Find book and journal related to ICT in teaching learning.
2)      Find information in the internet to gain extra information.  

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